How To Prepare and ship sheds
Bulk Test Discounts
You can now order bulk quantities of tests at discounted rates.
Account Credits
When you purchase bulk tests your account will be credited with those tests.
Flexible Test Credits
You can then use those credits for any tests at anytime. They do not expire.
Example Scenario
For example, if you purchase 50 test credits at the rate of $38 a test, your account will show that you have 2,500 available points. Each point equals $1. So you would pay $1,900 for $2,500 worth of tests. Each test normally costs $50. Then at anytime you can log into your account and purchase tests using those points. You can redeem all of them at once or you can redeem them one at a time.
Order Form
New Order Form
In an attempt to keep things more organized we are now using an order form format for placing orders.
Single or Multiple Tests
Use this form to place an order for one shed test or multiple.
Enter Snake Details
Just add your snakes id number, known genetics(Not Required but it does help with developing new tests), Test needed and secondary tests if necessary.